Automate Your Trading Strategies
About Automate Your Trading Strategies
If you’ve got the skills, you can program your own Advanced Trading Bot Solutions. This is more involved than using a platform’s strategy wizard, but it offers you a greater degree of flexibility and control. There are many ways to develop trading systems, including backtesting and forward-testing. The key is to take the time to understand your edge, set proper expectations, and quantify your risk.
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Trading systems require extensive technical analysis to determine if they are profitable and then rigorously test them in order to prove that they will work under various market conditions. The best automated trading strategies are those that can consistently earn the trader a profit. These strategies are based on the principle that price tends to revert to its historical average or mean over time. Traders employing these strategies buy when prices are below the mean and sell when they are above the mean.
A key factor in successful automated trading is that the strategy’s position on its strategy tab and the actual real-world account position must sync up. If the two are out of sync, automated trades may not execute as expected and you could end up with positions that you never intended to take. Optimus Flow’s seamless integration with TradingView makes this process easy, allowing you to use the trading analysis you create on TradingView as the basis for your automated strategy. This gives you the advantage of combining TradingView’s unparalleled charting and analysis capabilities with PineConnector’s robust automation and execution tools.…