How to Detect Disposable Temporary Email Addresses
How to detect disposable temporary email addresses (DEAs) is one of the most challenging parts of running an effective email marketing program. These disposable accounts, or burner emails, are often used for malicious reasons, including to sign up for your brand’s email lists, post spam comments on your website or app, or to access free content without disclosing their real email address.
DEAs are usually created using services that provide users with an inactive email address for a limited amount of time, such as ten minutes or less. The service then forwards the user’s emails to their actual email address or deletes the temporary account. While these addresses are gaining popularity, they also make it harder for brands to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.
Using a VPN IP Address Lookup Tool
When people use a disposable email address, it may signal that they don’t take your brand seriously or trust your company with their personal information. In turn, this could affect your brand reputation and lead to a decrease in sales or customer sign-ups.
To combat this, it’s important to have a tool in place that can detect DEAs before they negatively impact your email marketing campaign. The best way to do this is with an email verification API, which can be integrated into a platform or website so that any addresses entered are checked against an internal blacklist. Alternatively, you can use a web-based email validator, such as SEON’s Kickbox, to check for DEAs in real time.